July is fully booked! Thank you for your custom.

Hi everyone!

Just a short blog post to say that I am fully booked up for July 2015 but am able to take on work for August.

I would like to thank you all for your custom, especially those who have shared my posts, given testimonials for my website and those who have given great reviews of Proof-Ed’s service to friends and colleagues via word of mouth. It seems this has been the most successful way of promoting my relatively new business and I am very grateful to those of you who have recommended me, or who have returned to use Proof-Ed for second, or even third times.

I expect that the summer months will be quieter once July is over (most work is from students looking to submit work to journals before the end of the academic year), so do get in touch if you have anything that you would like me to take a look at over the holidays. I am always pleased to hear from you!

With best wishes, and hoping you have a great summer,
