A Christmas Greeting

To all of my customers in 2020:

I wanted to wish you all a very happy Christmas this year, and to say that I hope that wherever you are in the world, you are healthy and hopeful for 2021. 

2020 has been a difficult year for many. I would like to send every single one of you my sincere gratitude for using my services this year. It is not an exaggeration at all to say that you have helped me to pay rent and bills, you have kept me eating well, and your work has kept me sane and suitably distracted! From the bottom of my heart, thank you to all of you, and especially to those who continue to return to my services and/or recommend me to colleagues. I truly appreciate it. 

I hope that 2021 can be a good year for all of us!

With my warmest wishes,

Sarah, Proof-Ed.